Sportpistons (B)1000ccm -8mm MADE IN GERMANY!!!
For all 1000ccm Nikasil cylinders B from 1981 on, piston size B 93,97mm.
Compression ratio according to combustion chamber 10-10,5:1.
The complete weight (piston, pin, rings and clip) comes in at below 513g as opposed to the standard weight of 740g.
Included in this kit are:
2 forged pistons "Made in Germany" with 3 piston rings
Cylinder, push rods and cylinder studs need to be shortened for this kit!
To shorten your pushrods 4pc.
Please send us yours or order new pushrods no. 111851.
The price is for 2 cylinders.
S/S hex nut M10x1.5 SW 14 between cylinder and cylinderheads on the outside bolts.
Washer for S/S hex nut M10x1.5 SW 14 between cylinder and cylinderheads on the outside bolts.
You need 4pc for one engine.
2 pc